Monday, October 13, 2008

Malkiel's Wambulance

"It is very tempting to try to time the market. We all have 20/20 hindsight. It is clear that selling stocks a year ago would have been an excellent strategy. But neither individuals nor investment professionals can consistently time the market." - Burton Malkiel

My problem with this statement is that it is not specific. I would agree with him that investment professionals can't time the market on a short-term or medium-term basis, for the most part. However, pretty much everyone knew without 20/20 hindsight that there were big problems in the financial sector, more than a year ago. Some people, using insights from a variety of schools of thought or just plain, old common sense, got out of the market. You don't need to time the market when it goes up, you just need to know that business cycles happen and it pays to get out of the market when the downturn is coming. The regular investor can index away in the good times, but that doesn't mean that always indexing is the proper course of action.

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